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The Loyalty Test

1. Please indicate which kind of Loyalty Test you would like to conduct ?

2. Would you like to rate a Celebrity or a Company/Brand ?

3. Please enter the name of the company, brand or celebrity that you would like to rate

4. Please indicate on a scale from 1 to 7 how well the following statements describe your company, brand, or celebrity in your opinion, where 1=does not describe at all and 7=describes extremely well.

Is warm
Is trustworthy
Is competent
Is capable
Please indicate the degree to which you feel admiration for your company, brand, or celebrity at this point in time. (Rating scale: 1 = no admiration at all, 7 = extremely strong admiration)

Hold On!


Wait, I'm confused.

This page is for selecting which company, brand or celebrity you’d like to evaluate with The Loyalty Test. Additional instructions will be provided on the next page.
